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3 Happy mom Hacks to A Full And Running Over Fall!

Happy Fall Y'all!

I absolutely LOVE the fall! However, for many of us, this time of year is hard to fully enjoy because we know what happens.

We've just come out of those last two months of summer where our kids get back into school and things find a new rhythm. Then along with the October fall winds, comes all of the extra curriculars and our schedules fill up. A whole new rhythm blows in and this one sweeps us away!

Not mention the onset of SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Fall comes and before we know it we're in the middle of short, cold days, filled with holiday obligations, and stress induced yuckiness.

What if you could enjoy the changing fall season

without the chaos?

Today, I want to share with you a few of my Fall Happy Mom Hacks!

Get outside!

Mama, I know you're already outside cheering on your precious one. You need to ask yourself a questions, are you allowing yourself to fill the fullness of gratitude?

If not, practice taking a moment to allow yourself to go there. Be intentional about thinking about the fullness of where you are and who you're with. There are blessings in everyday moments. Look for them.

This was a bit difficult for me when I started. And Joyce shared with me how difficult it was for her too. So you're not alone in this. But together we can set up the triggers you need so that you will get strong in this habit.

Prioritize and Set Boundaries!

Oh honey, I know that this is NOT what you want to hear. This is the one thing that feels so intangible. Un-doable. Impossible.

Need I remind you that with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

You will set boundaries and prioritize the tasks within those boundaries this year. You will be blessed by it in Jesus name. You will not fall into the emotional turmoil that has kept you down in the past. You will say no to the things that does not fit in the boundaries that your heavenly Father has helped you set.

I am here to help you create affirmations like these, visualizations, and yes, even some boundaries!


Yes, yes mama. Hydrate. So many of us drink less water as temperatures drop. We want to cozy up with the warm things in our hands that soothe.

We need, especially now, to stay hydrated. So this is the Focus Hack for us this month. No matter what, this is something that you can do. Here are a few of my favorite Happy Mom Hacks for Hydration!

Morning Water: Drink 20 oz each morning as soon as you wake up and wait 10 minutes before you put anything else in your body. (suuplements, infused water, coffee, shakes, breakfast, etc.) Together, you and I can take this up a notch by creating a simply 3-5 minute PAM to really get your mind, body, and soul starting each day in the right direction!

Cozy Water: If you need a cozy drink in the afternoon or evening, swap the coffee for Cozy Water or a good quality tea. Cozy water is 1 mug of warm water, 3 drops of Lemon Vitality, and 1 drop of Thieves Vitality. You can add your favorite plant based milk and sweeten with honey if you need.

* grab your Cozy Water ingredients here *

Red Drink: I forget which doctor's youtube video I found this Red Drink recipe on, but it has been so beneficial! It's chalked full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that we don't normally get from our modern foods. Hydration is key in us feeling our best! Happy Town is full of mama's who are hydrated!

* grab your Red Drink ingredients here*

* grab your Cozy Water & Red Drink ingredients here *

* or click here and to get all you need at a 24% rate! *

My cup is full and running over!

Mama, your challenge this month is to keep drinking from your full and running over cup!

Join us in Empowered Motherhood to see how we're doing that!

** member referral number for products: 2645436 **

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