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A Long Journey and A New Season

Hey there friend! It has been a while for sure! I am so so so thankful that you are here with me! I would love to ask you for forgiveness for my absence. Even more so, thank you for your prayers!

If you've been close then you know that last year my husband and I made the decision for him to quit his job and we would try to figure out something to do on our own. 12 months, 5 different attempts in 3 markets and we ran out of time. Even though these are not the outcomes we hoped for, I have learned lessons through this.

1. Business owners are stressed.

2. Start ups take a LOT of mental residence and leave room for nothing else.

3. The things I previously learned about how to effectively market your business online are needed to help a business be successful.

4. All the emotional freedom tools I previously used myself and taught others are vital to stress management and emotional health of business owners too.


Now here I am, an accumulation of all that has been. And I’m struggling to know which way to go.

Is there a need for business owners to find help meeting some practical needs for their business,

- websites

- online marketing

- various online services

… as well as stress management protocols and happy hacks to create more peace in their days?

How do we begin to move forward to take care of our family?

Which "area" or skillset to I pickup to try to begin serving you again?

Honestly this journey has been full of more questions than answers. More failures than successes. More lessons than passed tests. There is a new season. A season of surrender. But I have a feeling we will be discussing this more soon.

So thank you for being here. Thank you for your community. I would love to hear from you! What has your season been? Where do you find yourself stuck? How can I help?

- Brenna Stanford
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